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Dangerous and Defective Products

Florida Lawyer: Defective Products

News accounts of lead in children's toys, defective cardiac pacemakers, and dangerous drugs have Americans asking, "How can we be sure the products we buy are safe?"

The Consumer Products Safety Commission is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risks in more than 15,000 types of consumer products, but it does not have the staff or resources to do the job adequately.

Defective Products are Everywhere

The result is a flood of defective or dangerous products that can cause fire, electrical, chemical or mechanical hazards and more. If you have been injured by any type of dangerous product, from a small appliance to a piece of heavy equipment, please contact an attorney at the Klotz Law Firm today. We offer a free initial consultation to review your case and advise you of your legal rights and options.

Our attorney represents people who have been injured by a wide range of defective products, including:

  • Children's products, including toys, cribs, car seats and clothing
  • Recreational equipment, including ATVs
  • Auto defects, including tires, seat belts and brakes
  • Industrial machinery
  • Small appliances, including hair dryers, toasters and more
  • Power tools, including saws, drills, and nail guns
  • Dangerous medical devices, including cardiac pacemakers, and hip and knee replacements
  • Dangerous drugs, such as Acutane, Avandia, Ketek, Vioxx, Celebrex and more

A product can be defective in its design, construction or marketing. False claims, improper labeling and failure to warn of potential hazards are examples of defective marketing.

If you have been injured by a dangerous or defective product, you have a right to pursue financial compensation not only from the manufacturer of the products, but also from the retailer, the wholesaler, the distributor, the parts manufacturer and anyone else in the supply chain.

Don't Lose Your Right to Compensation

Don't delay. Statutes of limitation exist. Contact our products liability attorney today to discuss your case. We will listen carefully as you describe how you were hurt. Then we will tell you directly whether or not you have an actionable defective product claim and how we can help.

1211 West Garden Street
Pensacola, FL 32591
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