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Drunk Driving Criminal Defense Lawyer in Pensacola, Florida

If you have been arrested for drunk driving, you need an experienced lawyer who will work tirelessly to minimize the negative consequences you face.

For more than 17 years, the Klotz Law Firm has vigorously protected clients' constitutional rights. Our law firm's founding attorney — J. Christopher Klotz — is well-prepared to defend your future.

Choosing the right law firm can make all the difference. At the Klotz Law Firm, we have the experience, energy and motivation to fight for you. Contact us today to schedule a free initial consultation and discover why you'll want to hire us.

A Key to Success in DUI Defense

Did you know there are often two video tapes of a DUI arrest? Did you know that there is an administrative procedure that can help you get your license back? Did you know that breath test machines have to be certified and calibrated or the results are not valid? Did you know that frequently, part of the evidence police officers gather against you is not admissible in a trial?

Proper investigation is a key factor to our law firm's success in defending clients with drunk driving charges. When available, we obtain video footage of our clients getting arrested, booked or tested. These videos allow us to see if the police officer followed proper procedure. Videos also allow juries to see if the defendant appeared to be impaired.

DUI charges often rely upon a breathalyzer or other machine. We will carefully research evidence in the case to question whether the machine was properly certified, maintained and calibrated. We will also see if the machine recently malfunctioned or if the arresting police officer was properly trained to use it.

Don't Delay

In most cases, you only have 10 days to challenge the automatic suspension of your driver's license through an administrative hearing. We will request an administrative driver's license suspension hearing. During this time, we will have the opportunity to cross-examine witnesses under oath. This civil protect your driving privileges as well as providing valuable information to help us evaluate your criminal case, while we seek to get you your driver's license back.

Don't delay — contact us today to schedule a free initial consultation. It costs you nothing to learn how we can help.

1211 West Garden Street
Pensacola, FL 32591
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Call For A Consultation 850.497.6565