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White Collar Crimes

A simple accounting error by an employee at a nonprofit organization or another place of employment can become a serious crime. Sometimes authorities charge people with crimes simply because they make mistakes from lack of understanding of accounting procedures.

Federal and state authorities aggressively prosecute white collar crimes — you need a seasoned criminal defense lawyer to defend you against any criminal allegations.

For more than 17 years, our law firm's founding attorney — J. Christopher Klotz — has vigorously defended clients facing serious white collar, fraud and embezzlement crime charges. He has an in-depth background negotiating with state and federal authorities, and he is prepared to provide you with the best defense possible. Contact us today to schedule a free initial consultation.

Vigorously Defending Clients

At the Klotz Law Firm, we have successfully defended thousands of clients, over almost two decades. Our success stems in part from proactively cultivating client relationships built on trust. Attorney Klotz listens to clients' side of the story in order to build the best defense possible.

Often, we defend employees working for nonprofit organizations under investigation for serious white collar crimes, such as:

Inadequate training for employees with demanding job responsibilities is often at the root of the problem. We are prepared to devote as many resources as necessary, working with network, computer and accounting experts to effectively review paper trails and accounting work.

Put Our Experience to Work

Do not waste time — contact us and schedule a free initial consultation. We can start defending you immediately.

1211 West Garden Street
Pensacola, FL 32591
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